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Eternal Mind announces plans to build quantum datacenter in Maine

Mar 16, 2023


Eternal Mind, a leading research company in the fields of quantum computing and artificial intelligence, has announced that it has selected the state of Maine as the location for its first-ever quantum computer datacenter.

The new datacenter, which will be the first of its kind, will be built and developed in the state of Maine. The facility will be used to conduct cutting-edge research in quantum computing and artificial intelligence, with the goal of developing new technologies and applications that will revolutionize the way we live and work. Quantum computing and artificial intelligence are two of the most important technologies of our time, and the work that will be done here has the potential to revolutionize our world.

"We are thrilled to be launching this groundbreaking project in Maine," said Avery Thomas, CEO of Eternal Mind. "The state has a long history of innovation and a strong commitment to supporting cutting-edge research. We believe that this new datacenter will be a major asset to the state and will help to drive economic growth and create new jobs in the region."

The new datacenter will be equipped with the latest quantum computing hardware and software, allowing researchers to explore the potential of this emerging technology. The center will also feature advanced artificial intelligence tools and algorithms, enabling researchers to develop new applications and solutions for a wide range of industries, from healthcare to finance. The new datacenter is expected to create new jobs in the state of Maine, with a focus on highly skilled technical positions. Eternal Mind will be working closely with local universities and research institutions to recruit top talent and to collaborate on research projects.

Construction on the new datacenter is expected to begin in the coming months, with a target completion date of late 2024. Once completed, the facility will be open to researchers from around the world, offering a unique platform for cutting-edge research and development.

For more information on Eternal Mind and its research projects, visit their website at


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