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Eternal Mind and Green 4 Maine Announce the World's First Quantum Computing Datacenter at Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine.

Apr 27, 2023


Eternal Mind, Inc. and Green 4 Maine, LLC Announce the World's First Quantum Computing Datacenter at Loring Air Force Base in Limestone, Maine.

Limestone, ME - Eternal Mind, a leading AI and quantum computer company, and Green 4 Maine, the epicenter of technology innovation in Maine, have announced a long-term strategic partnership to build the world's first quantum computing datacenter at the former Loring Air Force Base.

The datacenter will debut a major milestone in quantum computing, utilizing cutting-edge technology to accelerate AI research and development. The strategic partnership between Eternal Mind and Green 4 Maine is a natural fit, as both organizations are committed to pushing the boundaries of technological innovation and continuous improvement.

The Loring Air Force Base is an ideal location for the datacenter, with its robust infrastructure and skilled technical workforce. The redevelopment of the base is a testament to the commitment of Green 4 Maine’s vision to create jobs and opportunities for its Maine residents. The datacenter will be a major economic catalyst for the entire region, creating skilled technical jobs and driving investment to the area.

"Quantum computing represents the future of technology, and we are thrilled to be partnering with Green 4 Maine to bring this cutting-edge technology to the Loring Air Force Base," said Avery Thomas, CEO of Eternal Mind. "Our strategic partnership is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation, and we look forward to working together to drive the next generation of AI research and development."

"Green 4 Maine is proud to be at the forefront of technological innovation in Maine," said Scott Hinkel, President of Green 4 Maine. "Our partnership with Eternal Mind will not only create higher paying technical jobs, but it will also position Maine as a leader in quantum computing and AI research."

The datacenter is expected to begin construction in the coming months and will be operational this year. It will be a major step forward advancing quantum computing and AI research nationally in the US.

For more information, please contact:

Eternal Mind, Inc:

Avery Thomas, CEO



Green 4 Maine, LLC:

Scott Hinkel, President



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